十载风雨路 · 匠心铸精品

量身定制 追求完美


 发布日期:2013-01-24 12:00:00 浏览:9073次

潍坊优博化学品有限公司是处于世界领先地位的合成溴化物和专业聚合物,添加,医药中间体,水处理,油田化工以及涂层的生产和贸易商。总部设在英国,业务遍布欧洲 北美 中东 东南亚等地区,我们最大的产品生产地在潍坊。
Unibrom is based in UK and China.It is a world leader in the synthesis of speciality bromine compounds and polymer additives as well as intermediate,additives.Worldwide sourcing bromine volume reach more than 30,000Mt from China,India,Ukraine,Jordan,provides us with a solid foundation from which we can offer a wide range of bromochemicals in research to commerical quantities.
The largest manufacturer base of Unibrom located in Weifang,on the vast plains off the Bohai Sea,China.We draw abundant bromine from deep underground,this independent access to the primary product coupled with the experience of our engineer,allows us to produce bromochemicals using in a wide array of reactions,we set up the largest base of brominated flame retardant in Wei Fang ocean chemical development zone.Another two manufacturer located in Jiang Su Province,most of our importation bromine volume is supplied to Jiang Su manufacturering base as the most important raw materials.
Unibrom Pharmaceuticals:Unibrom,be exactly accord with GMP and API standard to produce pharmaceuticals,and contribute wide range pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediate to human and animal health. 


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